
Event Schedule:  (Subject to Change)



9AM- 5 PM- Set UP -Plants must be present by 3:30 PM


Noon- 5 PM- Registration


6 PM - 8:00 PM Preview Party (Tickets Required) Picnic Dinner.



7:30 AM- 9 AM - Orchid Ribbon Judging


9:00 AM Show Opens to the Public - 9:00 AM- 5:00 PM


9:00 AM - Noon - American Orchid Society Plant Judging (Fireside Room)


11:00 AM- Orchid Basics Lecture- Worship Center


Noon- 1:30 PM Lunch (for registered participants) and Round Table Discussions with Orchid Experts (Fellowship Hall)


2:00 PM- Keynote Lecture-  (Tickets Required) (Worship Center)

Peter T. Lin - Topic: Miniature Cattleyas


3:30 PM- Keynote Lecture-  (Tickets Required) (Worship Center)

Peter T. Lin- Topic: Genus Dendrobium


5:30 PM – 6:30 PM – Bar-B-Que and Ice Cream Dinner (Tickets Required)


6:30 PM- 8:00 PM -   Mid American Orchid Congress Auction and Party-

             Open to all!!



9:00 – 10:15 Church Service


10:15 – Noon- Show and Lunch for Congregants and Participants


11- Show Opens


12:30 PM - Orchid Basics Lecture - Worship Center


Noon- 1:00 PM- MAOC Annual Meeting (TBD)


1:30 – Special Orchid Presentation - Cheryl Erins-

             Topic: New Homes for the Little Guys- Orchid Cases


3:00 PM- Show Closes 

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